Tagged: IBS relief

Self-Care and IBS Relief

Self-Care and IBS Relief

We hear often in the self-help world how important self-care is. However, we don’t do it enough and it’s because we don’t know how. I think we have a perception that there’s a right way to do self-care.


I laughed inside when my client thanked me for not telling her to do yoga and pilates. That’s the funny thing about self-care; you don’t have to do anything. I notice a lot of people putting self-care into their routine as a forced thing. Then they feel tired out from it and forget the fun stuff.


The interesting thing is that self-care is [...]


Are You Struggling With IBS?

Are You Struggling With IBS?

I’ve been there too. I spent many years living with IBS and I know how it can impact all parts of your life from career to relationships. I also know how the stress around IBS symptoms can rule your life. It’s understandable… it’s hard to try new things when you are fearful about having a flare-up. But you don’t have to limit your life, there is something you can do about it.


In my free e-book, “IBS Manifesto: Creating Less Stress and More Freedom While Living With IBS “, I discuss 5 tools to help you start living a more [...]
