Topic: Good Girls Career

Why Figuring It Out Yourself Is Never A Good Idea

Why Figuring It Out Yourself Is Never A Good Idea

I was at a get together with a group of women I know, it was a fun time with lots of laughing and food.


I was talking to a woman I adore about her kids. She was sharing that when it come to her kids (she has 5 of them), her philosophy is figure it out yourself. This was in reference to her 4 year old.
Let me first say I am not here to mommy bash, but probably the last thing a 4 year old can do is figure out a problem with her friend or sibling by herself. By nature, [...]


Make Your Goals From Who and What You Want To Be

Make Your Goals From Who and What You Want To Be

We LOVE to make lots of lofty goals… and then crush ourselves in defeat the moment we think we aren’t meeting them.

It’s a vicious cycle, one that I constantly found myself repeating.

Until I figured out what was missing.

The problem wasn’t that I didn’t make the right kinds of goals or try hard enough to achieve them.

The reason my goals weren’t working was because I made them from who I was, not who I wanted to be.

I would make goals and then my inner critic would give me a thousand reasons why they couldn’t happen. Then I would spend a lot of [...]


What Is Courage?

What Is Courage?

How do you define courage?

Is it something only “strong” people do?

Do you use what you think is courage but don’t get the results you want?

Courage is something only YOU can define.

When you try to measure yourself by someone else’s definition of courage you will always fall short.

If you want to start on the courage path, start with something small.

What is one thing you’ve been trying to muster up the courage to do? Break it down in very small bits. Start at the first bit and keep moving forward.

The big jumps you see others taking usually come from lots of small [...]


Don’t Ever Force Yourself To Be Happy

Don’t Ever Force Yourself To Be Happy

How to be happy, get happy now, change your life through positive thinking,,,

the underlying message here is you are doing it wrong. Change it and you’ll feel better.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is we are human and we are going to feel lots of stuff.

Most of it probably won’t be good.

Despite of this you can still feel GOOD!!!

Stop fighting the thoughts, give them alternatives instead.

Example: “I don’t know why they don’t talk to me anymore, what’s wrong with me.”

Alternative: People can think and do whatever they want with their lives and it has nothing to do with [...]


It’s Not Your Intuition, It’s A Trigger (How To Lead and Not React)

It’s Not Your Intuition, It’s A Trigger (How To Lead and Not React)

What is the difference between a trigger and an intuitive hit?

I used to be told I was being triggered by things people said. But that wasn’t the truth, the truth was I was getting an intuitive hit about a person or a situation that wasn’t right for me.

It’s easy for someone to reference psychological theory to you and tell you that you are being triggered by your attachment to something.

Listen to your body.

The important thing to recognize is the art of discernment. Knowing how to discern what is coming from someone’s personal agenda or belief system and what is not.

You [...]


She Said She Was Broken

She Said She Was Broken

One of my clients told me recently that she felt she was broken at one point in her past.

It struck me how many of us think that we’re broken… we label ourselves as being somehow bad.

We’re too emotional, too weak or just not meeting our potential.

Her words brought me back to a time when I thought I was broken. Virtually everything in my life fell away all at once. I didn’t really even have time to think about it or process what was happening, I had to just keep moving on.

Months later I found myself at a doctors office and [...]


When You Find Yourself Trying to Fix Someone Else’s Anger

When You Find Yourself Trying to Fix Someone Else’s Anger

When you find yourself constantly trying to fix someone else’s anger problem, please remind yourself of this:

Your anger is not my problem.

For as long as I can remember I have had a highly attuned sense to people’s emotions. Between family and friends I have been around more than a fair share of angry people. What I didn’t realize is that I was part of the problem.

I tried to fix their anger because it made me uncomfortable. This fixing behavior caused me boat loads of grief, as I constantly searched for ways to avoid being uncomfortable around somebody else’s anger.

No more. [...]


It’s Okay To Want To Just Feel Good

It’s Okay To Want To Just Feel Good

After signing up to work with me, a female client quietly whispered:  “Is it OK if I don’t want to do something really big in my career?  What I don’t want to move up to Director or something like that?  Is it OK if my only goal is to feel good?”

This is where some coaches fail with their clients.

In the personal development world we see all these quotes and blog posts about how we need to be getting better, bigger, and letting go of anything were afraid of.  If we don’t, we’re just living in fear.

The fact is I [...]


Give Me Your Word

Give Me Your Word

The biggest way to change your life is through the way you talk to and about yourself.

I have found there are two distinct ways we talk to ourselves. One is through emotional trigger words and the other is through power words.

Can you guess which one women focus on more?

Yep it’s the emotional trigger words.

We often debilitate ourselves with words and its emotionally draining.

It’s not that emotions are bad; in fact they are a good thing. It’s when we allow our reactions to our emotions to run wild in our mind that we get stuck. The result from that is almost [...]


Why You Need To Leave Him Out of It

Why You Need To Leave Him Out of It

When I am talking to a new client and she says I can’t do it because he wouldn’t like it or it would hurt his feelings, I cringe.

These women aren’t unintelligent nor are they week. They are just straight out people pleasers (sometimes not even knowing it) and perfectionists who are so concerned with the feelings of others that they often self sabotage themselves.

I know this because I was one of these women.

I was always worried about hurting his feelings. If I felt something seemed to bother him, I would either try to make it better or not do [...]
