Tagged: dreams

She Said Her Dream Was Ridiculous

She Said Her Dream Was Ridiculous

This week I met a wonderful and smart college girl who said her dream of being a food writer was ridiculous. I hate when people say that!  What that tells me is somebody told them it was ridiculous to follow their dreams.

Do not call your dream ridiculous!

The scary thing is I hear this way more often from women than from men. Women are somehow trained to believe that their out-of-the-box ideas are ridiculous. They should be more conservative and practical about what they want to do with their lives.

Unfortunately too many women follow this and people please when choosing [...]


Your Job and Your Dreams

Your Job and Your Dreams

I hear way too many of my clients berating themselves about the career they’ve chosen. It doesn’t seem to matter whether they’re making six figures or that they’re making a huge contribution to someone’s life. All they feel is crappy about it, all the time.

It may sound a little odd at first. Their jobs often fit their need for security, salary, and sick benefits. For some, it even fits the big S need: status. Basically their jobs give them what they “need”, so “why should I be complaining” many of them say.

That’s easy… because they’re not living their dreams.

They [...]
