She Said Her Dream Was Ridiculous

This week I met a wonderful and smart college girl who said her dream of being a food writer was ridiculous. I hate when people say that!  What that tells me is somebody told them it was ridiculous to follow their dreams.

Do not call your dream ridiculous!

The scary thing is I hear this way more often from women than from men. Women are somehow trained to believe that their out-of-the-box ideas are ridiculous. They should be more conservative and practical about what they want to do with their lives.

Unfortunately too many women follow this and people please when choosing their career.

This has to stop! I know it’s not easy because I’ve been in the same place where every dream I’ve had people looked at me like I was crazy.

However, the alternative is being miserable in your life. When you let go of your dream for something more practical you lose a huge part of yourself. Not to mention it’s a big blow to your confidence. So even if you’re doing that practical job well, you still don’t feel good about yourself and that sucks.

Literally, it sucks the life out of you.

So how do you move towards your dream?

The first thing is to watch your language around it, referring to it as ridiculous or unattainable will be your biggest block to actually achieving it. You have to believe to receive.

The second thing is to create a plan around it. What can you do every day to get closer to that dream? Do you need to make a change in your finances? Do you need to make a change in your daily schedule? Where do you want to be a year from now?

The third thing is to stop talking about your dreams to people who simply don’t care. Even if that’s friends and family. They don’t have decency to even come up with a positive word and will probably never help you achieve it, so don’t bother sharing it with them. Share it with people who make you feel good about it. Who have no doubt in your abilities and can be a good source of support on the days where it feels too hard.

Take a breath, stand tall, and move forward towards that dream.

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