Tagged: accountability

Turning Your Career into a Mission

Turning Your Career into a Mission

I recently saw a video about Daniel Pink’s new book “Drive”. For those of you unfamiliar with Daniel Pink he is the author of several best selling books about the changing world of work and focuses on human motivation. In this short video titled “Two Simple Questions That Can Change Your Life”, which can be found at www.danpink.com, Pink discusses the importance of having a mission statement about your career and what you want to accomplish. He says that if you really focus on what you want to accomplish, you can use your sentence to navigate your life. His [...]


Entrepreneurs in Action

Entrepreneurs in Action

     I often hear, if I am the boss, why would I need a coach? In fact, I picked up the July issue of Fortune magazine an in the article ”The Best Advice I ever got” the Chairman and CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt , said the best advice he ever got was to hire a coach. He also had the initial reaction of if I am the boss, why would I need a coach? In his words “How could a coach advise me if I am the best person in the world at this? …A coach is somebody who [...]


Creating Your Own Accountability Team

Creating Your Own Accountability Team

     I realized lately that many of my clients who are entrepreneurs often feel like a salmon swimming upstream when they are at the beginning stages of their business. They are motivated and have great ideas, but often have no one to consult about new projects or ideas. They also have to depend solely on themselves to meet deadlines or build new areas of their business. They are Entrepreneurs because of their vision, ambition, and independent nature, but they get stuck like everyone else.

    It’s not that they don’t know what to do; it’s more of a matter of what [...]


How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

     I often hear: “If I am the boss, why would I need a coach?” Even the boss could benefit from a different perspective when creating goals and accountability for his/her company.  I recently read in the July 2009 issue of Fortune magazine in the article ”The Best Advice I Ever Got”, that the Chairman and CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt , said the best advice he ever got was to hire a coach. He admitted his initial reaction was if I am the boss, why would I need a coach? In his words “How could a coach advise me [...]
