Tagged: body

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

In his book “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell states that we make snap judgments all the time and generally are right on with our first instinct, which we then ignore. These judgments come from our mind, but our instinct is working from our body’s reaction to a certain situation, person, or environment. Most of the time we are not conscious of the fact that it is happening at all. If you can learn to tap into the instinct part that is making a decision for you, this is the first key to success in your career or business. To [...]


4 Ways to Release Pressure

4 Ways to Release Pressure

How many times have you heard people say they perform best under pressure?  In our society the idea that applying pressure to a situation will reap the best results is very prevalent. It’s such a part of our psyche that we do it subconsciously. For many of us it’s a part of life, basically second nature. 

I’m not here to say whether our national obsession with pressure is right or wrong. However, I have noticed a significant pattern between my clients overall mental and physical well being and the amount of pressure they apply to themselves. It reminds me of a [...]
