Tagged: emotional control

8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak

8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak


Are you an emotional control freak? If you said yes, don’t worry you’re not alone.


Here are 8 ways you can tame your inner control freak so you can feel amazing, create a better relationship with yourself, and be attractive to others.


1. Stop being a people pleaser. People pleasing is a sneaky way to control your own emotions. You may be feeling angry at the expectations others are putting on you, but control your anger just by saying yes. When you say no, it may feel awkward at first, but it actually frees you from controlling your emotions and what [...]


Emotional Control Freak

Emotional Control Freak


I am an emotional control freak.


It sounds funny to say but it’s true. It also feels a little scary to say, because by announcing it I am losing some of that control.


I have spent the majority of my life controlling my emotions and/or pretending they don’t even exist.


My preferred method of escape is just to avoid. I’ve had quite a number of traumatic things (as many of us have) happen to me throughout my life and when I recall them the thing that stands out the most is I just wanted to pretend it wasn’t happening. I would pretend [...]
