Tagged: performance

Success Meter: Do You Want it Bad or Not Bad Enough?

Success Meter: Do You Want it Bad or Not Bad Enough?

We all have our own measure of what we see as successful. We may know what we want, but the hard thing is getting there. I generally encounter two types of people in my coaching practice: “the want it so bad it hurts type” or “the I want it but not enough to make the time to make it happen. Both of these groups have a difficult time getting to their destination because they both have difficulty allowing things to happen.

The “I want it so bad it hurts” folks are in a constant mode of doing and overdoing everything. They [...]


The Sleep Factor: How it Affects Your Performance

The Sleep Factor: How it Affects Your Performance

We’ve all heard the stories of the amazing things people have done on little rest. I recently heard that former General Mcchrystal only slept somewhere between 4 and 6 hours per night. We often celebrate those who sacrifice well needed rest in order to serve the greater good. We are often impressed that people can function at such an intense level with so little rest. It may be impressive, but that doesn’t make it good for you.

A June 2010 Newsweek article entitled “The Surprising Toll of Sleep Deprivation”, discusses a research study that only allowed participants 6 hours of sleep [...]


Is Perfectionism Gnawing Away at Your Success?

Is Perfectionism Gnawing Away at Your Success?

Is your perfectionism standing in the way of your ideas? Where do you draw the line between a healthy sense of accomplishment and an unhealthy obsession with being perfect? Finally, a study has come out that can help those of us who fall along the perfectionist spectrum. Many of my clients are very competent, creative, and full of great ideas, but they falter when making steps towards turning their ideas into actions or even sharing their ideas at the workplace. Their biggest fears lie in making mistakes that they believe will lead to criticism. A mistake, whether big or small, [...]
