Tagged: perfectionist

My Article on Being A Good Girl On Your Tango

My Article on Being A Good Girl On Your Tango

Are your good girl tendencies driving you crazy? Is it stopping you from stepping into a more successful, confident version of yourself?

THEN YOU MUST READ THIS! It’s my article on “Why Your Good Girl Attitude Is Making You Miserable”

Here’s the link: http://www.yourtango.com/experts/laura-bozarth/why-being-good-girl-ruining-your-life-and-how-you-can-change-it




Creating Less IBS Stress and More Fa La La for the Holidays

Creating Less IBS Stress and More Fa La La for the Holidays

Do you find yourself trying really hard to be perfect during the holidays?


Are you pushing yourself to feel jolly to make it a great holiday for family and friends?


If you answered yes to either of those questions take a moment and see how your body really feels about creating the perfect holiday.


Grab pen and paper and spend some time with these questions:


Are your IBS symptoms more severe this time of the year?


Write down what you are thinking and doing when you notice your symptoms increase. Notice if there’s a pattern. Understanding your body’s response can help you change [...]


Doing It Yourself

Doing It Yourself

I’ve always been a do it your selfer (not sure if that’s even word!). Fiercely independent, and at times stubborn, I always wanted to do things on my own. In the past it was difficult for me to ask for help. I always believed I could do it myself.  Then along my journey I realized that trying to do it alone makes it much more difficult than it needs to be.


A part of me still thinks it’s true that you can do anything yourself, but the other part knows there’s a true power and a greater outcome when you [...]


Are you too serious?

Are you too serious?

I hate to say it but my husband was right. We were choosing a movie last Saturday night and I off course wanted to watch something deep. I choose the “Conspirator”, a film about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. My husband’s first response was “I want to watch something fun, why do all of your movies have to be so serious?” Though my “I was in a film major in college” wanted to jump and defend my excellent choice in films, on a very simple level I knew he was right.

When I was in a job I disliked I [...]


Creating Boundaries

Creating Boundaries

I have been out of town for a few months and had the pleasure of finding two great hairstylists while I was away. Inspired by the great cuts I received, I decided to try out a new salon back home. I got a recommendation of a salon (not a stylist) from a friend and off I went.

Upon arriving at my appointment I was greeted by the stylist who said hello and put a cape over my shirt immediately. Before we even got to the sinks something felt off to me. I immediately felt uncomfortable. Instead of ignoring it I [...]


Simple Success Formula: Give Yourself Permission

Simple Success Formula: Give Yourself Permission

I often get e-mails from readers who want advice on how to get motivated and move forward in their careers despite the nagging fear that follows them in every endeavor. It’s as if we believe that a magic wand can fix our circumstance and suddenly experience success with little thought or effort. Though I am a believer in serendipity, creating success in your life doesn’t happen with a quick twist of the hand, it actually does take effort.

 Before you get worried that I am going to give something else to add to your to-do list, take a moment and pause. [...]


Is Perfectionism Gnawing Away at Your Success?

Is Perfectionism Gnawing Away at Your Success?

Is your perfectionism standing in the way of your ideas? Where do you draw the line between a healthy sense of accomplishment and an unhealthy obsession with being perfect? Finally, a study has come out that can help those of us who fall along the perfectionist spectrum. Many of my clients are very competent, creative, and full of great ideas, but they falter when making steps towards turning their ideas into actions or even sharing their ideas at the workplace. Their biggest fears lie in making mistakes that they believe will lead to criticism. A mistake, whether big or small, [...]
