Tagged: career burnout

Are you too serious?

Are you too serious?

I hate to say it but my husband was right. We were choosing a movie last Saturday night and I off course wanted to watch something deep. I choose the “Conspirator”, a film about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. My husband’s first response was “I want to watch something fun, why do all of your movies have to be so serious?” Though my “I was in a film major in college” wanted to jump and defend my excellent choice in films, on a very simple level I knew he was right.

When I was in a job I disliked I [...]


Recognizing Your Purpose

Recognizing Your Purpose

I’ve been traveling for business this week and have reveling in the a-ha’s you get from spending time with other entrepreneurs! This week’s post is short and simple with a big tip on how to view your purpose.

I spent the last three days at a business conference focused on the notion of purpose. Many clients come to because they are uncomfortable in their job or other part of their life and think it is because they don’t know their purpose. What they do know is that just because you are good at something, all the trying in the world [...]


When It's All or Nothing

When It's All or Nothing

I used to be an all or nothing person and I have to admit that it was pretty painful. All of that pressure, stress, and intense effort put into one thing is a great recipe for exhaustion and burnout. Only I didn’t know that, I just thought if you wanted something bad enough you just pushed yourself as hard as possible. After years of this, I realized that though I was getting things accomplished, I felt like crap. I was also measuring myself with a level of intense perfection. Not a pretty scene and it became clear to me [...]


It's an Inside Job

It's an Inside Job

We are a society of quick fixes and this “now” urgency filters into most areas of our lives. I see it manifested in the way that we search for jobs. We want the perfect, shiny, easy solution to discovering and achieving what we really want to do in our professional lives. We’re given so many examples in t.v., radio, and movies of these fabulous people who seem to have it all figured out and are making millions. In most cases, the having it all together and figured out part is far from reality. If you knew all the factors [...]
