Tagged: fear

It's an Inside Job

It's an Inside Job

We are a society of quick fixes and this “now” urgency filters into most areas of our lives. I see it manifested in the way that we search for jobs. We want the perfect, shiny, easy solution to discovering and achieving what we really want to do in our professional lives. We’re given so many examples in t.v., radio, and movies of these fabulous people who seem to have it all figured out and are making millions. In most cases, the having it all together and figured out part is far from reality. If you knew all the factors [...]


How To Manage Risk and Reward with Your Career

How To Manage Risk and Reward with Your Career

There is no error proof way to take a risk at your job. However, there are ways to remove some of the stress and pressure we feel when stepping out of our comfort zone. If you have an idea you want to develop or know that you’ve been playing it small when you really have the capacity to be a big asset to your employer, there is no better time than right now to share who you are.

Many of us play it small because taking a risk actually magnifies a lot of the fear we have created around new experiences. [...]


Are You Afraid of Success?

Are You Afraid of Success?

It’s not that you don’t have the idea; it’s that the big F word is standing in your way. FEAR. I spend a lot of time working with my clients on their fears and developing strategies they can use to move past the roadblocks that fear creates. This week I found an inspiring way to look at the fear that may be holding you back.

If you are interested in Entrepreneurship or are ready to finally take the first step toward your ultimate goal, I found some wonderful advice from Jonathan Fields. Jonathan Fields is a multi-time health & fitness industry [...]


Discovering Success Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

Discovering Success Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

    When looking at the goals you want to achieve and the things you want to accomplish, it is easy to get to the place of overwhelm that I have mentioned frequently in my blogs. When I was first starting my business I had to allow myself to be comfortable with discomfort and overwhelm. Why? Because in order to reach your larger goals you need to get out of your comfort zone.

     I attended a goals workshop in the beginning of this year. The speaker introduced me to a concept I had already known, but for some reason at that point [...]


Detaching From Fear To Experience Success

Detaching From Fear To Experience Success

     Many clients tell me about fears of many varieties. Some of my blog readers also write me about the fears they have. I hear about fear of success, fear of failure, fear of life in general. What all of these fears have in common is that they turn into a real fear of action. This can be a dangerous place if you seek to make improvements in your life.

    Fear is a natural reaction, it happens to all of us. It is an innate protective mechanism in humans (fight or flight), but it goes into overdrive at times which [...]
