Tagged: mind body connection

When Your Thoughts Go Wild

When Your Thoughts Go Wild

Here’s just a few thoughts I have heard from my clients this week:

I hate my job and it is ruining my life.

I can’t have any fun unless I am pain free.

I am worthless because I haven’t written a best selling novel.

I can’t be happy unless… insert any situation here.

These thoughts can drive you crazy, if you let them.

I like to call this thoughts gone wild syndrome. It starts with one self-defeating thought and then it turns into mind swirl so huge that you feel depressed in about 5 minutes because you’ve already created a full-blown personal catastrophe. At that [...]


5 Ways to Move from Wanting to Getting

5 Ways to Move from Wanting to Getting

Here’s a short and sweet list I shared with my e-zine readers on how to move away from struggle and towards joy.

1. Rest: The most important thing we can do to nourish our mind and body. However, many of us put it last on the list and squeeze in whatever amount of time meets our minimum requirements. Focus on getting as much rest as possible, you’ll see a shift in your energy and your thoughts about what you can accomplish.

2. Change Your Thinking: Instead of focusing on why you can’t do something, change the wording. Focus on how you [...]


Need Clarity? Start Complaining

Need Clarity? Start Complaining

“So it’s okay to be unhappy?” a client recently asked me. Yes, yes, and yes! I’ve been noticing that some of my clients think that it is not okay (and even down right wrong) to have any feeling that is not positive. “But I’ve been trying to follow the law of attraction so I have been telling myself to avoid all negativity and be positive”. How boring and completely unrealistic, I thought. Law of attraction is a great tool, but it requires you to be real about your emotions.

Sadly too many of us believe that we have to be [...]


Add a Little Drama

Add a Little Drama

As a recovering perfectionist, I felt very tickled when I heard this line from the movie Letters from Juliet: “Saying I’m a perfectionist, is just another way of saying: I’m too chicken to do it”. I can laugh at this now, because I see it’s the truth. And that’s not say that I never fall back into my perfectionist a.k.a. chicken ways, it just means I become aware of it when it happens.

If you’re right smack dab in the middle of perfectionism’s sticky web, it may take some time to pry its tangled web from you.

My suggestion is simple: [...]


Art, Expectations, and Your Body

Art, Expectations, and Your Body

I recently watched an interview with James Frey, author of “A Million Little Pieces”. Oprah was interviewing him a few years after their fall out over the truthiness issue.

Frye was sharing how he had written “A Million Little Pieces” by sitting alone in a room everyday for 9 to 10 years writing. Initially upon hearing that my thought was “torture!” Then he went on to say it was like complete freedom. Huh? He wrote about whatever he wanted to write about in any way he felt like writing it. There were no rules and no one telling him what [...]
