Topic: Good Girls Health

Do You Want To Please Or Soar?

Do You Want To Please Or Soar?


“I watch her with loving sadness as she dulls her shine to please others. Will this butterfly ever soar? Will she continue to pretend she can’t fly? Her greatest life awaits this decision.” – Steve Maraboli

This quote really got me thinking this week. SO many women I work with are caught up in the act of people pleasing. I used to do the same thing even though I would never have considered myself a people pleaser.

I’ve been having lots of chats with women lately and have some BIG changes I’m planning… so I want to keep this blog short [...]


8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak

8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak


Are you an emotional control freak? If you said yes, don’t worry you’re not alone.


Here are 8 ways you can tame your inner control freak so you can feel amazing, create a better relationship with yourself, and be attractive to others.


1. Stop being a people pleaser. People pleasing is a sneaky way to control your own emotions. You may be feeling angry at the expectations others are putting on you, but control your anger just by saying yes. When you say no, it may feel awkward at first, but it actually frees you from controlling your emotions and what [...]


Are You Too Stubborn to Get Well?

Are You Too Stubborn to Get Well?

I had the pleasure of spending time with some good friends this weekend. They’re great people, generous and very happy for the most part. Except when it comes to pain. I’ve known for quite some time that my friend’s husband has back pain, really bad back pain. He’s been to some doctors and they prescribed the general things like physical therapy and medication. He’s tried acupuncture and chiropractor, but he still has no relief. He thinks he’s heard it all and tried it all and has given up. He spends his days in pain and popping ibuprofen.


I know what [...]


Seven Ways to Cultivate the Practice of Belief

Seven Ways to Cultivate the Practice of Belief


At the start of the New Year, we often make goals about our career, health, or relationships. Unfortunately by the end of January, too many of us give up on those goals. Not because we’re lazy or we didn’t really want the things, it’s because we don’t believe we can actually have them.


We often blame it on not enough time or discipline, when in reality it’s neither of these things. The truth is we don’t actually believe we can create what we want.


It’s okay not to believe in yourself (at least some of the time).


I know we hear a [...]


Kindness and the Restless Mind

Kindness and the Restless Mind

Earlier this month I devoted an entire week to being especially kind to myself. I have to say it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It sounds like it would be easy to practice kindness toward yourself, but what I realized is that we spend most of our time being unkind to ourselves.


For me it looked like this: I want to relax. I shouldn’t relax I have stuff to do. I should relax because it’s what my body needs. But what if I relaxed too much and then I can’t sleep later on.


I been taking a lot [...]


Letting Go of Normal

Letting Go of Normal


I spent a lot of time in the last two years wishing my life could go back to normal. Some days I longed for normal so badly that it made me cry. It wasn’t that I was just in pain from being injured in an accident; it was the frustration that I could no longer do some of the things that were normal to me.


In my career as a mind-body coach I watch people long for normal all the time. Many of my current clients suffer from IBS or digestive disorders. They talk often about wanting a normal life. [...]


Navigating New Beginnings for Better Health

Navigating New Beginnings for Better Health

Happy almost end of summer In the past the end of summer was very sad for me because it felt like an ending. This summer feels very different to me because it’s like a whole new beginning.

As many of you know, the last two years have been quite difficult for me. But they led to great things like a greater focus on health and wellness in my business and learning how to use my emotions in ways that can benefit my life in positive ways.

They’ve also led to great people and places, and experiences that [...]


IBS Relief: What to Do When You’re Waiting

IBS Relief:  What to Do When You’re Waiting

At some point in your life, you’ll need to wait for something. Whether it is moving on to the next job or being healthier, chances are it won’t happen right away.

What you decide to do with the time and waiting makes all the difference.

There were times I wanted to be perfectly healed and back to my normal self immediately, the thought of waiting was frightening to me. I wanted it to happen and I wanted it to happen now. I learned that instead of focusing on what I need to happen, accepting where I was at was way more pleasurable [...]


Why Connection Is Important For IBS Relief

Why Connection Is Important For IBS Relief

Like everyone else who saw the news on Monday afternoon, I was completely shocked at what happened at the Boston Marathon. I felt sadness for the families who lost loved ones. I also found myself feeling anxious and a bit scared. My husband was in New York City on September 11 and had to rush through the streets that were full of debris from the fallen buildings. We had friends who lost family members that day. At that time we also lived in the area of New Jersey in which the anthrax mail attack happened. I remember clearly being [...]


IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses? Part 2

IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses? Part 2

In my last blog, I shared about how being in pain helped me in creating a flow in how I make time for the things that are important in my life. It meant eliminating many things that were holding me back and adding things that I never thought I would do.


I wanted to follow up by sharing with you some specific ways in which I was able to make the change from making excuses to making time.


At first, you may need to help from friends or family members who can help you in clearing out the clutter [...]
