Topic: News

Stressed? How to Let It All Out

Stressed? How to Let It All Out

It’s been a rough week, possibly even a rough month. Some clients claim it’s been a rough few years! I’m not about to debate what constitutes rough, but I will say there are a whole bunch of people out there under a whole lot of stress. Some days there is no way around it, but there is always a way to handle it.

Ugh, another thing for my to do list. Maybe. The problem is that if you don’t deal with it, it accumulates in your body and that’s how a rough day can turn into a rough year. There’s [...]


It's All About Valuing Your Self Initiative

It's All About Valuing Your Self Initiative

Long, long ago there was a young woman who was afraid of taking initiative. She had lots of great ideas and was a go-getter, but inside she was always looking for permission. She wanted somebody to tell her it was okay to just do it. She had strong opinions and a great sense of intuition, but didn’t want to rock the boat. She sat still and quiet, with the ideas brewing inside of her which led to frustration.

That woman was me. If I could talk to her from where I stand today, I would tell her that the key [...]


Why It's Good to Be Imperfect

Why It's Good to Be Imperfect

Perfectionism sucks you dry, plain and simple. I’ve been reading Apolo Anton Ohno’s book Zero Regrets: Be Greater Than Yesterday. I wasn’t surprised to learn that perfectionism is something that he struggled with in his sports career. To be successful you have to have the desire to work to your greatest ability, the problem lies in pushing yourself so far beyond your limits, that being perfect becomes a impediment to achieving what you want.

In Apolo’s words: “My personal best is good enough, as long as I’ve given it everything I’ve got. It’s too intense and too unforgiving a life [...]


When It's All or Nothing

When It's All or Nothing

I used to be an all or nothing person and I have to admit that it was pretty painful. All of that pressure, stress, and intense effort put into one thing is a great recipe for exhaustion and burnout. Only I didn’t know that, I just thought if you wanted something bad enough you just pushed yourself as hard as possible. After years of this, I realized that though I was getting things accomplished, I felt like crap. I was also measuring myself with a level of intense perfection. Not a pretty scene and it became clear to me [...]


What To Do When Everyone Says No

What To Do When Everyone Says No

There was a time in my life when I really cared about what everyone thought and I put a lot of stake in how people reacted to me. As you can probably guess, this totally stifled not only my creativity, but also my ability to be brave and try new things. The curious thing is that half the time I didn’t know I was doing it. It was just how my brain was worked, an automatic response or so I thought. After recovering from years of reactive thinking which yielded nothing but frustration, I discovered what is known in [...]


The Snooze Alarm Effect

The Snooze Alarm Effect

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a morning person. I’ll always opt for the snooze alarm if possible. After hitting the snooze alarm, what’s next? Clients come to me saying they have no energy because they use it up all day every day at their jobs. When we talk about their day, I find most of them start their days the same. They wake up, rush to get themselves ready, shove down a small amount of food, and head out the door.

I can say from personal experience that the snooze alarm syndrome and then the rush [...]


It's an Inside Job

It's an Inside Job

We are a society of quick fixes and this “now” urgency filters into most areas of our lives. I see it manifested in the way that we search for jobs. We want the perfect, shiny, easy solution to discovering and achieving what we really want to do in our professional lives. We’re given so many examples in t.v., radio, and movies of these fabulous people who seem to have it all figured out and are making millions. In most cases, the having it all together and figured out part is far from reality. If you knew all the factors [...]


What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

In his book “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell states that we make snap judgments all the time and generally are right on with our first instinct, which we then ignore. These judgments come from our mind, but our instinct is working from our body’s reaction to a certain situation, person, or environment. Most of the time we are not conscious of the fact that it is happening at all. If you can learn to tap into the instinct part that is making a decision for you, this is the first key to success in your career or business. To [...]


Choose Your Words Carefully

Choose Your Words Carefully

Here we are again at the very beginning of a New Year and this time, a new decade. Every January I would spend hours assessing the previous year, coming up with new goals, and of course criticizing myself for not meeting every expectation I had of myself in a very neat, perfect, and measured way. I don’t know about you, but to me that stopped feeling like a productive use of my time and became a total energy drain. For many years I believed that was the way it had to be done. Until I realized it wasn’t and [...]


Don't Let Your Past Determine Your Future

Don't Let Your Past Determine Your Future

Clients often come to me looking for the perfect career and are looking for an exact blueprint that will send them in the right direction immediately. I definitely have tools to get you started on your search, but the most important thing you can do is to start looking at the beliefs you have about your circumstances. It can be difficult to look at ourselves with this kind of honesty, but you find some surprising things about what may be affecting your search for the “perfect job”. I recently found [...]
